Friday, January 18, 2013

Hello, Welcome to this blog. I am not currently using this blog. But feel free to reaf my daily Nearly daily diary at

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Seminary (Life Skills)

This weekend (Friday till Monday) I am serving at conference for orphange leaders. It is in itself an honor to serve those who lay down their lives to serve others. A ministry is organizing the conference, I sadly don't know the name of the ministry, but it is really great people of God. A woman from England, Helen, is most of the time the person who tells me what I should do but there is a lot of other people who also tell me to do things and we helping each other. It is great people from all over the world. I am really having a great time in St Petersburg and it will be great if God will place me in this city for long term in the near future...

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today, I went to Peterhof, the home (castle) of some famous dude who is called Peter who lived long ago. St Petersburg can be called after him, but I am not sure. Well it is a beautiful place with many gold statues and fountians and it ends on the beach, well they call it a beach, the picture shows how it looks like. I went with two English couples who is the "core team" of the New Frontiers group who will planned the church in St Petersburg. It is going well and please keep on praying for Russia, that God will make HIS LOVE the motivation for living.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

victory day

Today is the day in Russia, when they remember their victory over the Germans in the 2nd world war. It is the "secular" event that is being celebrated the most in Russia. May the Russians see the Victorious King, Jesus, being lifted High by every Russian in a greater way then they remember this special day in their calender!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

St Petersburg

I arrived yesterday in St Petersburg, beuatiful, European city, with lots of potential for God to pour out His Spirit, which will influence a big part of the world in the long term. I am busy meeting people and in the process of receiving a program. Well many greetings...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother Russia

Yeah, I am finally in the promise land, praise Him. I arrived yestercay afternoon in Moscow, after a great journey which was filled with His favor, it was evident at every kind of "check" point, etc. Moscow is different than what I have ever seen, staying currently in a +/- 20 level appart block. One of the many, everywhere you look. The metros, taxi, etc are a wonderful experience. I am honored to be here and Russia steal my heart more and more... Going tuesday morning 02:15 (24:15 SA time) on a train st Petersburg with Wilhelm Strumpher. I don't know yet what I am going to there, but it seems as if there is possiblities and I heard God's calling to that cities, so I trust Him to open specific doors so that I will be busy for as long as He placed me there, hint please pray for God's favor. With all said greetings, hope you doing well, and please pray that God will pour out His Spirit all over mother Russia.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tentative Program For Time In Russia

1st 6 weeks: will be in St Petersburg - where I will help with a New Frontiers church planting and also serve in a ministry, where an American called Lyle Thomas is involved in.

the next 2 to 3 weeks: will be in Kazan serving a local church there and I will be going on a family camp.

last 2 to 3 weeks: going to Moscow where I will be involved in summercamps and serving the church there, where Corrie Zaayman, South African Missionary in Moscow is involved and will be serving him.